Klaipėda Business Park Football Charity Cup 2015
We are happy to congratulate Klaipeda Business Park Charity Football Tournament 2015 winners – UAB “Orion Global PET” (Indorama) team, the second place winner – DFDS SEAWAYS team, and we are very thankful to all the tournament participants and sponsors who contributed to this year's charity event.
This year's charity - non-governmental, non-profit organisation “Jaunimo linija”. Let us remind you that this organisation has been helping young people by giving free emotional support by phone and internet for almost 25 years.
“Jaunimo linija” has divisions in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. Klaipėda division is established for almost 18 years already and takes care that Klaipėda volunteers would be professionally prepared and taught to give emotional support for young people.
Unfortunately, there is a lack of volunteers in Klaipėda, so all charity money will be spent for the development of “Jaunimo linija” Klaipėda division.
Pictures from the event are here
Presentation about Football Charity Cup history and this year’s beneficiary is here
We would like to thank you very much for your support and help in organising KVP Football Charity Cup 2015.